#SM2_T1_BS1 - Capitan! What happened? Why did you return so early? Where are the merchant ships?
#SM2_T1_CP2 - My general! Perfidious Macedonians broke the peace treaty and captured our merchant ships convoy!
#SM2_T1_BS3 - Rabbles! This trade rout is very important to usà
#SM2_T1_CP4 - Muster, sailing by the neighboring islands we saw that Macedonians were mining gold and iron there.
#SM2_T1_BS5 - Prefect, if we capture that resources we will able to build the fleet and army and at last became the masters of these sea routs!
#SM2_T2_CP1 - My lord! The workers report that the resource mining arranged. Gold and iron are going into treasury and storehouses.
#SM2_T2_BS2 - I see that everything happens according to my plan. Macedonians are informed about our plans so the troubles are unavoidable. Begin to build the fleet and train the army immediately.
#SM2_T2_CP3 - Sea reconnaissance reported that Macedonians built well armed fortress. It will not be easy to take it by storm!
#SM2_T2_BS4 - WeÆll try to break through their defence. The main task is to build a fleet now. Pay maximum attention to its building process!
#SM2_TASK00 - You should retake the goldfields located on the neighboring island and build there out mines.
#SM2_TASK00S - Capture the goldfields
#SM2_TASK01 - Destroy the main mass of maneuvre of the Macedonian fleet.
#SM2_TASK01S - Destroy the fleet
#SM2_T3_CP1 - My lord! The mass of maneuvre of the Macedonian fleet has been sunk!
#SM2_T3_BS2 - We should land the troops on their island and capture their fortress until they collect their selves!!! Assemble troops immediately! This fortress should be captured!
#SM2_TASK03 - Repulse the attack of the ships that came to assist Macedonians.
#SM2_TASK03S - Repulse the attack
#SM2_TASK04 - Burn down Macedonian fortress and city
#SM2_TASK04S - Destroy the fortress
#SM2_T4_BS1 - Well done, my warriors! Macedonian fortress has fallen. WeÆll build there a new one, ours! The trade routs in this region are ours now and the gold will overflow our treasury soon! Hail Persia and thank its Gods for our victory!
#SM2_FILM1 - Anxious news -
#SM2_FILM2 - Resources have been captured -
#SM2_FILM3 - Macedonian fleet is pallid -
#SM2_FILM4 - Victory -
#SM2_PANEL In Mediterranean
#SM2_VICTORY - Macedonians are completely smashed!
#SM2_LOOSE1 - Bessus is killed!
#SM2_LOOSE2 - Your city is destroyed!
#SM2_LOOSECON - You will be defeated if you lose Bessus or your city will be destroyed.